Verdict: eh..Ok
"K" Rating: 1.7
"K" Rating: 1.7
Watch: DVD
A recluse billionaire invites 4 strangers to the Greek island of Samos with not so friendly intentions.Thailand's Prime Ministerial candidate, a drug dealer cum casino owner from Turkey, a Bollywood superstar and a struggling crime journalist based London - have more in common then meets the eye.
Game has stunning locals which provide picturesque backdrops for its action sequences. The plot of this movie has been seen before like in the novel And Then There Were None by Agatha Cristie, the movie Bourne Identity and Bollywood's very own Shalimar. This movie was hyped to go beyond, to kick it up a notch; this unfortunately never happens.The action thriller lacks a storyline to match the slickness, it starts off in great gear but looses momentum and slumps post interval. It becomes almost predictable.
Overall its a DVD watch, unless you want to travel the world on 70mm screen. Game turns out to be yet another example of a movie which has great potential but fizzes out half way thru.
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