Saturday, December 11, 2010

keep moving forward

I was watching "meet the robinsons" yesterday night after I got back from work. These days, I made it a point to cook at home and reduce the eating sessions outside. I find it much healthier, 'cause by then I'd know how much sugar, salt, sos tiram (oyster sauce :D ) and many other things that I put inside the foods that i cook.

you can be surprised how unhealthy it is to eat outside because most of the time, restaurants cook in large quantity, so the amount of ingredients that I've just mentioned above are probably more than we need.

Anyway, back to the Robinsons! So this year wasn't that smooth for me, you know, there lots of ups and downs. Betrayed, things didn't work out the way we planned, doubted myself, losing faith, boy oh boy, all of these things really made the world roll furiously sometimes.

but when i watched the cartoon "meet the robinsons", it helped. one way or another, sometimes we have to go back to basic to remind ourselves that not everything is a failure,but what's important is to accept the failures and keep moving forward!

not everything is beautiful, that i can tell you but it is how we spring forward is actually the most important thing. and you must understand that, at times we will feel so alone and no one understand us, but everyone else but us can only be there to console and give motivational words- however, it is us, ourselves that can determine whether we will stay grieving or, you know, just keep moving forward.

it's not simple to do,but very easy to say. im just sharing this out of experience and i know, if you believe enough in yourself, nothing can stop you.and i mean, literally, nothing. :)

good luck! XD

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