Thursday, October 6, 2011

3Ways To Make Money With Facebook

How often are you on Facebook every day? Do you spend hours a day on Facebook like everybody else? The reason I ask this is because Facebook is not only a great place to see what your friends are doing and looking at their pictures, you can also make a lot of money with Facebook in a very short amount of time.

Most people think that the only way to make money online is if you have website or some kind of product to sell but that is not the truth, anybody can make money using Facebook and I want to show you exactly how.

The first thing you need to understand is that Facebook has many different ways to make money and all you need to start is a personal Facebook account. The reason you need an account is because without one you will not be able to interact and possibly sell to nearly 1 billion people worldwide. My advice to you, pick one of the following 3 ideas to make money with Facebook and do it until you start to make some money.

Ways to Make Money With Facebook

Local Advertising

Did you know that you could advertise local businesses to only local people? With Facebook you have the ability to target specific cities, ages, genders, and even break it down further into what people like and how far they went in school. The reason I wanted to bring this up is because there are millions of small businesses out there just trying to get a few new customers every week and that is what you need in order to start local advertising.
The trick to become a local advertiser on Facebook is to get a couple businesses to pay you a set amount to advertise your business on the site. This should not be a problem for you if you offer your services at a decent starting price. My advice would be to start at around $150 per week.

Now that you have a couple businesses paying you to do their local advertising one of the things I would recommend doing first is to see what it costs to advertise to people within a range of 50 miles from your city. The reason you need to know what the cost is going to be is because you don’t want to use more than the client gave you per week. So now that you have all of this figured out you will need to write up a quick advertisement and put a picture to it and then set it to go live. Trust me, when it comes to local advertising there is not a lot to it but the more you do it the more tricks you will learn from it.

Tip: If you find it hard to get more local advertisers then you need to offer cheap services for the time being. You will have better luck at getting local advertisers if you can statistics about how well your advertising has worked in the past.

Affiliate Marketing

Another great way to make money from Facebook is through affiliate marketing. If you do anything online then you should know all about affiliate marketing. With this method to make money the one thing you need is your personal Facebook page and the reason is because you will market affiliate products to your friends and family. I know this might sound a little strange but once you do it for a little while you will see how beneficial it can be.

All you need to do in order to make money through affiliate marketing is to update your status every once and a while with product links that people might be interested in. For example, one of the things that I sell quite a bit on my Facebook page is an 8 week weight loss program and diet supplements and all I do is I write about my body or how my daily workout went and then I simply add a link.
Here is an example of my last status update that I did:

“Dear friends and family – Thank you for all your support in helping me train for the marathon last week, I don’t think I could have done it without you or my diet and energy supplements (the link goes here)!!

As you can see the status doesn’t have to be long and you don’t have to tell people to buy anything, just put the link there and wait for it to get a little bit of traffic to it. What you need to understand is that people will not buy every single product you promote and that is why you need to find a couple that you can promote over and over again and then see how they do.

Tip: If you want to increase your income then you need to increase your friend count, don’t post more links because then your friends and family will just start to ignore what you write.

Fan Page Creation

This is probably one of the easiest things to do and the reason why is because all you are doing is creating a fan page for somebody or a business and then running it for them until it gets big enough to hand over. Most businesses don’t have time to sit in front of the computer and update their status and get people involved in what they are talking about and that is where you come in. All you have to do is create a fan page and then start attracting people to it.

The nice part about a Facebook fan page creator is that you don’t have to stick to normal methods to get fans, you can pay to get fans, you can do article marketing, blogging, social networking, and pretty much any other form of advertising that you can think of. In the end the only thing that matters is that you created a fan page that the business will want to buy from you. In a recent study it showed that every fan is worth around $1.63 so if you have a page with 500 fans on it you would most likely sell it for $815. I don’t know about you but that is a pretty nice income for somebody to sit at the computer and mess around with Facebook all day.

Tip: Like with anything, don’t increase your price just yet, get more people to create fan pages for and then when you have a growing business you can slowly increase the price per fan.

My last piece of advice is to just try one of these methods to make money from Facebook because doing them all at once will cause you to become distracted too easily. I would suggest giving each idea at least 2 months before you move onto the next one because that will give you enough time to see how that one idea works and whether or not it will be profitable for you.

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