Monday, October 3, 2011

Tips for efficient laptop usage and handling care

There may not be ways to eradicate problems in your laptop,..but there are someways to prevent them for most:

1.First and foremost thing to do is delete the temporary files regularly, if possible everyday who use Internet a lot, u can use cmd commands like %temp% for that.

2.Immediately remove the residue files for any software that has been uninstalled.

3.If you have noticed any startup and switch-off timing delay, then remove the recently installed software, because it may be causing any sort of bugging in your device.

4.Dont cause the device to get high temperature as it surely decreases batter life and also makes to stuck-up the OS.

5.If you are downloading any files, download them directly to desktop and avoid using them immediately until unless it is scanned by a genuine full version antivirus [Kaspersky is preferable, which costs around 700 Rupees(approx-20$)].

6.Dont use your laptop on cushions or beds, it stops the air-circulation under the device which leads the device to gain high temperature. 

7.Avoid using your device near to pools and beaches, the moist is high which causes the parts to corrose early.

8.Charge the battery for full when u are using it for the first, and  see that battery is charged and discharged completely for every week.

9.While the device is in charging mode,..temperature is generated big high so use it in dark and cool places so as to avoid affecting its battery life.

10.If accidentally water spils on your device immediately off the device and pour solutions like acetone or alcohol which prevents the high risk of repair.

These are of my knowledge and usage experience and suggestions taken from experts, hope u consider them and pamper your tiny pals(computers).


·         Schedule mini-breaks every 20 to 30 minutes to avoid repetition and static postures.

·         Maintain a comfortable viewing distance from your notebook computer's screen - approximately 18" to 30".

·         Keep you head and neck in a relaxed, neutral posture; avoid excessive neck flexion or rotation.

·         Position the keyboard at a relaxed elbow height and keep you wrists straight while keying.

·         Experiment with table and chair height as well as keyboard angle to maintain neutral wrist postures.

·         If you have to raise your chair so that your legs are pulled downward, use a footrest to support your feet. When seated  your hips should be slightly higher than your knees. When your legs are weighted downwards, there is excessive strain on hip, leg, and low back muscles.

·         Add an external keyboard and place it on an adjustable keyboard/mouse platform.

·         Attach an external mouse instead of using the small constricted touchpad or trackball on your laptop.

·         Tilt the computer's screen so that it is perpendicular to your line of sight, if lighting permits.

·         Keep glare off the computer screen by moving the screen, changing the lighting and/or covering the windows.

·         If you are sitting in a side chair or couch, use a pillow to support your arms while keying.

·         Clean the screen regularly using appropriate cleaning fluid for a laptop's LCD screen. Take care because pressure or poking may easily damage screen pixels.

·         Your hands and wrists should be kept in a straight wrist posture when typing and should not be resting on a palm rest, table or lap while typing.

·         Use the wrist rest for support during keying breaks and rest the ball of your hand, not the underside of your wrist, on the wrist pad.

·         Do not place your notebook directly on your leg's lap as the computer's excessive heat has been proven to cause internal physical harm to people who use it in that manner over time, rather choose to place it on one of the many adjustable laptop computer stands.


  1. Brightness: how low can you go? Without any question, the fastest way to suck the life out of a battery is leaving your brightness high.  Turn it down as low as you possibly can without needing to up your glasses prescription.  On my Vaio, I can select from one of 8 levels.  During one test, at brightness level 3 my system reported 60% full, with 3:52 (all times are hours:minutes) of life to go.  I switched up to level 5 and in 17 minutes of use, I was down to 52% full, with 3:06 to go.  In other words, 17 minutes used 46 minutes worth of battery (all other variables were held constant).  You can even be so bold as to lower your brightness all the way down when sitting idle for a minute or two (for example, if you are writing a long blog post and pause to clarify your thoughts before typing).
  2. Don’t use any external devices:USB and PC-Cards (aka PC-MCIA) use your battery to function, even when you aren’t using them!  Have an EVDO card or maybe a USB mouse?  Remove them if you can.  Even a memory card reader in your PC-MCIA slot uses power just by being in there.  The effect varies based on the type of device, but even a few minutes here and there (as you’ll see) add up significantly.
  3. Single-task, not multi-task: The more you are doing at the same time with your PC, the more memory and CPU usage increases.  Both of which directly use up battery.  Close any applications you aren’t using, even the small ones.  When doing some experimentation, I found it more efficient to run a single application at a time, then close it and open a new one when ready to move on.  While your hard drive uses the battery too, if you are doing anything ‘productive’ you are probably hitting the drive on a regular (even if infrequent) basis anyway.
  4. Keep it cool:  You can take a page out of the extreme gamer’s handbooks, and have your system perform more optimally by keeping it cool.  Make sure your air vents (inflow and outflow) aren’t blocked by anything, which often occurs by poorly positioning your notebook on your lap (which is known to have some other side-effects too, by the way).  Heavy CPU and memory use all contribute to heat as well, hence my comment on multi-tasking above.
  5. Shut down unused services:MSN Messenger, Google Desktop Search, QuickTime, wireless managers, etc.  They’ve all gotta go.  You probably aren’t going to use them, and they all eat up valuable resources.  Especially things that ‘scan’ anything.  For advanced users, I also recommend launching Windows Task Manager and getting rid of anything not used in-flight.  In fact, I put together another little text file with a list of all the services I don’t use, and I go down the list and manually shut down each one.  If you really want to get this one right, a little bit of research is in order.  While online, I launched the task manager (control-shift-escape) and for each service that has my User Name, I googled it.  There are a few good web sites out there which chronicle what all these mysterious services do, and you should be able to figure out which you need, and which you don’t.  Important warning: if you aren’t comfortable with this lingo, you should skip this step, or get some techie friend to help you out.  Less important warning: you may end up in a situation where you need to do a reboot after you get to your destination.
  6. Do Hibernate, Do Not Suspend: I’ve found that my Vaio tends to use way too much battery when in suspend mode.  Not sure why, but the ‘instant-on’ effect isn’t worth the extra 30-60 seconds it takes to get out of hibernation.  Furthermore, the minor hit to the hard drive is unlikely to have a significant impact to your overall battery time.  Also, if you weren’t aware, going in and out of hibernate is much better than a full startup/shutdown sequence.  Note that you might need to manually enable Hibernate as a system option (once you have, the quick shortcut into it is ‘windows button’ followed by U followed by H, and some PCs will have even faster shortcuts available as well).  If you make a run to the bathroom, however, that’s worth a quick Standby, but anything over 10 minutes and I’d Hibernate instead.
  7. Tweak advanced settings: Virtually all laptops manufactured in the past 24 months have some advanced power options.  Mine, for example, allows me to go into 16-bit color mode, force the CPU into a power-saving mode, disable my LAN port, and more.  This might seem obvious, but if you aren’t doing it already, go find these settings (probably in the control panel, or possibly through custom software provided by your manufacturer) and get aggressive with them!   If you don’t have any extra control, one good extra tip is to manually force your screen into lower color modes, as they use less CPU overall and can make a huge difference in the long run.  While you are at it, you might want to change your Alarms settings, as many laptops default to shutting down with as much as 10% of your battery still available (my Low Battery is just an alert at 5%, and my Critical is force hibernate at 1%)!
  8. Choose Wisely:  Good: Word, Excel, Outlook, Text Editors.  Bad: anything by Adobe (you think Microsoft has bloatware, have you noticed how long even Acrobat takes to launch these days???), all Google plugins, many ‘Widgets’, ‘Gadgets’, etc.  All I can say is pick your battles wisely.  50 minutes of a video game ate up over 2 hours of my battery time, whereas writing email or documents tend to use up less than what Windows predicts (about 105% of the estimate on average).  I’ve also found WinDVD is right on the money for battery consumption, and Windows Media Player is a little power-hungry (by the way, if you are using your laptop to play music make certain you disable visualizations).  On that note, don’t use your laptop to play music unless absolutely necessary, it’s a real resource killer.
  9. Watch That Hard Drive: I just wrote, don’t play music, but the reason is mostly about your drive.  The more it spins, the more power it takes.  Make sure you’ve set your basic power option to turn off your drive relatively fast, but not necessarily too fast.  Some drives use more power getting started than staying running for short periods of time.  I set my Vaio to turn off the disk after 3 minutes of inactivity, you may want more, you may want less.  At the end of the day, if you are doing anything that prevents the hard drive from spinning down ever, you are draining your battery more than needed.
  10. Like a Boy Scout, Be Prepared: I make a point of configuring my ‘flight mode’ prior to getting on the plane.  It may only take 5-10 minutes to get your system setup properly, but that just eats into your battery life if you wait to do it on the plane.  Once done with all the settings, the last thing I do before unplugging my power supply is hibernating the PC.
I hope some of these tips help you out.  Personally, I add around 30 minutes (or more) to the longevity of my standard battery (3:30 on average now), and almost an hour on the extended one (6:30 or so).  This gives me almost 10 hours of combined life (4 full DVDs guaranteed), which suits me quite well.

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