Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Facebook Page Strategies

Visitors Today i tell you main SMM (Social Media Marketing) Tips how to manage Facebook Page. The most significant point to note is that the more time you put in your Facebook strategy (part of your overall social media marketing (SMM) strategy) the better your brand will receive response. It is through persistence and actively attending to your brand page that you will grow your fan base and eventually new customers.
The power of social media tools and platforms cannot be overemphasized. To maximize on its full potential for your brand, below are 10 tips that will help you create an interactive Facebook marketing page.
1. Custom Tabs for Custom Ads – The new Facebook Strategy pages allow you to customize your page according to your target group. By placing an advertisement, you can direct your target group to specific areas of your pages that you want them to go to. You can create as many tabs as you see fit and this can increase the number of visitors to your fan page. This Facebook strategy enables you to reach different markets with different tabs.
2. Direct New Users to safer pages – You should learn to monitor your visitors such that they don’t get uncontrolled information that may drive them away from your Facebook Marketing pages. Make provision for a safe landing for new comers to your page as they seek to know more, they will follow through to the other pages. Make their first encounter with your brand exciting and appealing.
3. Unique Page Image – Your profile photo is very important in providing a unique entrance to your users. Ensure that your Facebook page has a photo that is exciting and engaging. The importance of the image reflects the impression it will create the first time users will interact with it. As tiny as the provision of the image box is, find a creative photo that will leave a lasting impression to potential fans.
4. Integrate Applications for more Engagement – Ensure that your Facebook strategy page has many applications that will keep your visitors staying on your page longer. There are many Facebook applications available to users and a good choice of exciting applications will keep visitors navigating your page longer. Applications may vary with the type and size of brands and a good choice of applications will hold the attention of the users and have them engaged for a while.
5. Make a Conversation – With increased brand presence and user privilege, you must seek to interact with your users. Should you have feedback or comments posted against your status on your Facebook Marketing page, be on the front line in making the conversation. You cannot opt not to participate because it is crucial for your brand growth and eventually revenue growth. Furthermore, someone else will engage with the user and you may lose the opportunity to retain them as your customer. Your engagement with your potential customers or existing ones will keep them coming back for your services, just like in any other business.
6. Interesting and Relevant Content – Content that is interesting and relevant will keep users coming back to your page. Repeat users will one way or another eventually pay for your services. It is important to keep visitors coming to your fan page and increasing their engagement. Finding interesting content is significant in returning potential customers to your page. There are several ways to find these including searching the web for relevant information on blogs and websites. It may need an effort to find interesting reads but there are many sources out there that are appropriate to help you find interesting and relevant content for your Facebook Marketing page.
7. Repost Comments made By Other Users – Reposting other peoples comments increases your relationship with the user. Many times, the brand carries its own name but may require your face to go with it. The interaction with other users increases the fan base as the reuse of their comments shows the value you place in their contribution. This however should be used on average.
8. Give regular Updates – Posting regular updates on your Facebook marketing page is very important in keeping your visitors engaged. Discussion forums should be active with new relevant topics posted regularly. Engaging in these discussions also allows for interaction with your visitors who may be fans or potential fans. Regular updates and engagements with your visitors will keep fans coming back and new ones visiting.
9. Post and Tag Users in Photos and Videos – This is a very important way of keeping your users engaged to your Facebook page. It acts as a promotional item especially after hosting events that hosted some of your fans. In addition, you may hold several activities that may include photos of some of your fans for example contests. Tagging users on photos will direct the traffic to your page as their friends will also be able to see and eventually navigate to your fan page to view the photo album. However this works well only with friends and fan pages don’t have provision for tagging. You should be able to come up with tactics that are legal on ways you can turn a fan into a friend.
10. Take Advantage of Facebook Events – Many events posted on Facebook Marketing pages are generally for everyone and this may be a good platform to engage your fans. As your fans RSVP the events, the updates are automatically seen by their friends and thus may increase traffic to your fan page. The events may not go into individual users inboxes but with the new Facebook pages, they are visible on the events updates on the homepage

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