Friday, December 23, 2011

Why do bloggers blog?

Why do we blog anyway?
I've been blogging for more than 6 years now, wow! didn't know time move so fast until I checked my first ever post in blogger. In between that time, I have learned a lot of things through blogging.

But as I blog and pour my thoughts mostly through my writing, I have never really thought becoming a celebrity blogger. My thought mostly was concentrating on producing articles and challenging people's perspectives through my opinions.

My domain used to be where I write about what I do every day and after awhile, it evolved into more general posts covering many different subjects which I find more satisfying. There are a few people that I admire early in their career where they devoted their time to writing thoughts that many years later, become the topic of discussions among scientists and intellectuals. Some of those people are Joseph Stalin and Tun Mahathir (my country's ex-prime minister).

Well, long has gone the days where writings come only from printed materials and as today we have the internet, the circulation of thoughts revolve around our society much faster and viral.

So, back to the main question, why do bloggers blog? Why do I blog?
Honestly, I write them so that one day (this is going to sound so corny) when I am dead, people can reflect on my thoughts and what I aspire to be through my collection of writings. And before that final moment, even after so many years have passed, I'd love to go back to check out my collections and read what I've written.

It's a very good way to reflect how much you have grown - more matured or becoming more foolish? - and that's why I blog.

Happy new year!

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