Saturday, February 11, 2012

I'm sucking and I love it. Nom Nom Nom...

We've heard (or at least, I assumed we've heard) many types of so-called alternative medical treatments mushrooming among us these days. Some are really somewhat convincing,while a few, meh I have serious doubts. I have to be judgmental 'cause when you're dealing with health treatment, there's no space to play around.

So guys, I've told you before that I was with a leech therapy company before. I enjoyed my time there and of course, picking up new skills and knowledge are the benefits I managed to accumulate along the way. 

And when you've been involved with something for quite awhile, people around you still associate you with what you did. In my case, I still am the spoke person for leech therapy. I've studied it seriously, I did. Well, furthermore I don't have any formal education with medicine, so I should take the learning seriously if I were to explain to the people what's leech therapy, how it helps and what are the side effects - things like that. 

Obviously, the simplest answer you can give someone if they ask, what the hell is leech therapy?: 
The hell is this, it's a form of treatment that uses leeches as your main medium to treat somebody. 

I think that by itself, is very simple to understand. Then the 1st answer would lead to the 2nd question, why uses leeches though?
Now, for the second question, I'd have to come up with a statement beforehand, which is - I do not believe a being or an invention of men can heal all diseases that exist in life. If there's one thing I've learned, it's the fact that no single medicine can cure/ heal everything. So, be careful. 

Well, I believe leech therapy can best be used for diseases/illness that is related to blood circulation only.I can quote a few lines from published journals, but I think it's best if you guys go search up yourself to better equip yourself with the background on leech therapy. 

Why blood circulation-related diseases only? Well, that's largely due to the properties that exist in the leech's saliva. Here, let me put it this way - if you are drinking a glass of cold chocolate, if there's not enough water, it can be quite hard to drink it, isn't it? Now, what do you do when this happens? You add water to dilute it. 

The same goes with leeches. What you guys have to understand, bloods are source of foods for them. They don't suck for fun. So, when they are having their "meal", they would want to "eat" it easily, not having to suck until their eyes popped out (note: leeches do not have eyes).

Make sense now? I'm not going to boring you with the long list of facts about the properties in the leeches' saliva. My intention in sharing this post with you guys is to help you understand what exactly is leech therapy. Besides blood dilution, they too help with other areas as well - for example, one that involves inflammation. That's why when you are suffering from sinusitis, for instance, I'd recommend leech therapy. 

But is it safe though?

The practice of leech therapy is somewhat vague in my country (Malaysia). But I do know that there are a few selected countries in Europe are doing leech therapy, and they are doing them professionally and follow the standards practiced in the clinics. Hygienic practices are important when we are doing something related to health.

So, before you are considering leech therapy, make sure you have your top priority is hygiene. And avoid road-side demonstrations. I see a lot of that in Malaysia and that is not healthy

However, if you managed to locate service centre that offers leech therapy with good practices, do try because it's quite fun and a unique experience. You'd feel squeamish, but you get over it after awhile once you get the hang of it. 

When I was actively involved in this field, to convince my clients that it was safe for them to undergo the treatment, one of the main focus areas was to convince them that the leeches are actually friendly, and with well-trained professionals besides them to look after the leeches, you're safe.nah,no biggie.

So rest assured, leech therapy is safe and helpful. Now, I'm not promoting any company or organization, I'm saying this out of my willingness to share with the people why leech therapy is good.

But after all of these having been said, are you still willing to try though? If you have, tell me about it. I'd love to hear your experience!

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