Monday, March 22, 2010

Storytime With SPW

Sometimes you learn the most about artists when they aren't talking strictly about their music; sometimes it's best to just give 'em a topic and let them ramble for a bit. It's in the act of storytelling that their actual personalities come through.

With that in mind, we asked Semi Precious Weapons to tell us some tales, specifically about two of their most beloved towns: New York and Las Vegas.

First up, we get some fear and loathing in Las Vegas, as frontman Justin Tranter recounts the time the band played a gig at a "prejudiced murder bar" in Sin City where the local patrons, all of whom were, in the words of Justin Tratner, "born in that bar," were none too pleased about Justin's fierce footwear. You'd think that a bunch of guys as theatrical and fabulous as Semi Precious Weapons would have no problem getting along in the cabaret capital, but alas, it simply wasn't the case.

In the second Semi Precious interview, we hear all about the band's adventures in their hometown of New York City. This one concerns the band's gig opening for Lady Gaga at Radio City Music Hall. The band figured, hey, this NYC, we're gonna bring it. Bringing it included spitting water at the crowd, pouring champagne on the crowd, running up and down the aisles of the storied venue ... the usual. Everyone thought these hijinks were HIGH-larious, save the New York City fire marshal.

You'll have to check out the exclusive videos to see how these things worked themselves out. Semi Precious Weapons' self-titled EP is available now. And check out some epic photos of Semi Precious Weapons pics here.
(source:Chris Ryan)

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