Friday, March 9, 2012

Women and Cars

Disclaimer:  I'm not saying every woman, but most of the time.


It hurts to say but it must be said.Women are dangerous drivers.
I always have heart attack moments when women drive so recklessly on the road.

  •  Trailing at the back of the car in front so close,
  •  changing lanes without proper judgement
  •  sitting too close to the steering wheel which is very dangerous 
  •   the arms so stiff holding the steering wheel.
But again I said, not all. Some are very good drivers. But most of the time, my experience having seen them driving is just scary.

But the older they get, they'll get better.

Just Relax when you're driving. The more nervous you get, the easier you get yourself in an accident.

Just sharing. No Hard Feelings! Hehe

Ladies, any explanation? Maybe I'm being prejudice.So please, do explain.

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