Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dinner Time, darlings!

My mentor used to tell me,
"Clive, no matter how busy you are with your works, if you can't make it for breakfast or lunch, that's okay. But no matter what, always and ALWAYS make time for dinner with the family. That's the time when you can catch up with your loved ones and not lose the bond that you have with one another"

Ever since he told me that, yes, I have always tried my best to have dinner with the family.
Even when I was staying with my housemates when I was studying, I cooked dinner so that we can have dinner together.

This one, I cannot deny that it's not true because it is.
So as what my mentor told me, I am telling you now,
no matter how busy you are, please, don't ever miss out the opportunity to have dinner with the family and the people you love. 

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