Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Tuesday Reflection: Hang Tuah

So, there's the debate of whether, Hang Tuah really existed before or simply a pigment of man's imagination?

Well, whether he really existed or not, I don't think they should omit him out of our national history.
Why? Let me tell you why.

Sherlock Holmes did not exist either. But the British did a good job turning the myth of Holmes into a marketing tool. Why can't Malacca?

As a teenager who grew up listening to the stories of the brave Hang Tuah and his friends, I cannot deny the significance of Hang Tuah in my life in teaching me about loyalty and bravery, something that our politicians lack these days.

So what if he's fictional? I am rather be lied upon for a good motivating story rather than stories pack of lies thrown by our politicians the "warriors" today.

Yes, I am naive

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