Saturday, November 20, 2010

Project Mrs. Einstein

Hey buddies,
Let me break it to you,I got this idea from a website I checked out last month. Maybe I'm just being cheesy (hey,I've been using this word quite a lot lately!)and corney,maybe but I'm currently working on a project. A project I'd like to call "Project Mrs. Einstein"!


What's that?Well, let me just elaborate it a little here,not going to provide too many spoilers here but here goes.Project Mrs. Einstein is a project where I'd write letters, at least a letter per week for the future Mrs. Einstein. I'm super detail about my future and not to be too fussy about the whole plans, but I'm more comfortable if there's something to fight for in the not too distant future. I'm 22 anyway, so why not?

and cheesy,cheesy,cheesy,cheesy keeps popping in my head!

Anyway,back to Project Mrs. Einstein.*drums rolling*You know,you have that things that you want to say not to a girlfriend,but to a wife, to the mother of your children.Maybe just writing about what you want to eat that week, what kind of clothes you're planning to wear on the first child's birthday,practically anything,you know?

and now that's corney.

Progress "Project Mrs. Einstein" is doing well.Quite satisfied with the compilations so far and that's that.

Until next time,darlings.

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