Thursday, January 19, 2012

If you are being mugged, what would you do?

A few weeks ago, I got the news of my friend's place got robbed while they were sleeping. He told me they(the robbers) had knives and then,later tied all of them so that they could do their business. Well, naturally, we asked, did you think of fighting back at the time?

He then told me he was somewhat petrified at the time. 

which of course, makes sense. 

We can all have these images of us fighting back like Jet-Li or Jackie Chan. But what will happen though - most of the time, we are so stunned at what's happening that we would up doing nothing.

Furthermore, if a guy is pointing a gun at you, why would you ever risk your dear life for the sake of your i-phone? or whatever belongings you have with you at the time. 

It is always best, when we are asked of our money, belongings - forcefully - or in other word, mugged, just give them. Don't fight. It will only invite unnecessary problems. 

So, back to my earlier story. What made it even worse, if my friend had decided to fight back, his family could get hurt IF he didn't make it. Well, it sure is going to invite more violence after that, isn't it?

Mark Wahlberg - the actor was being rather disrespectful when he said he could single-handedly prevented one of the doomed planes during 9/11. You read, I'll add further comment after that. 

HOLLYWOOD star Mark Wahlberg has been blasted by the wife of a 9/11 hero for claiming he could have single-handedly prevented one of the doomed planes crashing. 
The Boogie Nights star, 40, was booked on the United Airlines Flight 93 plane which was hijacked by terrorists — but didn't get the flight. 
The passengers overpowered the al-Qaeda terrorists and forced the jet to crash in Pennsylvania – but Mark claimed the outcome would have been better if he was on board.
The action hero said: "If I was on that plane with my kids, it wouldn't have went down like it did. 
"There would have been a lot of blood in that first-class cabin and then me saying: 'OK, we're going to land somewhere safely, don't worry.'
"We certainly would have tried to do something to fight. I've had probably over 50 dreams about it." via

My only say for what he said, Mr Wahlberg, THIS - IS - NOT - HOLLYWOOD.
Then again, what would you do if you are facing a situation like my friend there who got robbed?Would you fight?

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