Monday, January 23, 2012

Iran vs America and its allies

A few weeks ago, I wrote a post entitled, a christian living among the Muslims. In that letter, I placed great emphasis on understanding and the willingness to understand other people's cultures, beliefs and customs. We cannot expect everyone to be the same like us. No, we cannot.                                                                                                 
In the case of America and her allies versus Iran, both sides just don't like one another. As simple as that. 

So, we know that there's a fight going on - Iran is still being stubborn and going ahead with its nuclear program while America and its allies are building the pressures on the country. 

What's going on at the moment?
Well, the big boys in the playground are saying Iran is suspiciously building its nuclear program for the wrong reasons, while Iran at the same, is not going to be bullied around and going ahead with that program. 

To pile the pressures on the Islamic Republic, European Union have adopted the approach of banning the purchase of oil from Iran. Iran, in retaliation, wants to close the Strait of Hormuz. (This is where a fifth of the world's crude is transported)

The EU wants to pile the pressure on Iran to get them to discuss and negotiate again regarding their Nuclear program. It's like, we are going to continue pressuring Iran until the Islamic Republic is ready to talk again...meh, sounds familiar guys? this is just classic bullying

But Iran, on the other hand, has been playing it cool though - saying, the world is in need of energy and yeah, we have loads of oil we know you must need!  So, that's why, to return the slap by the EU, Iran threatened to close the strait. 

And then, of course, US and Britain have warned Iran not to close the strait. What happens when it is not available - the strait I mean. Well, for one the prices of oil would shoot up because of disruption of supply caused by the closing of the strait.

Image via BBC News

So what happens next? Military strike on Iran?

You know what, just like in any standard bullying scenario, any person who has the greater resources would wield them to intimidate the inferiors. But Iran, being stubborn, would not be bullied around. 

Now this is what we seeing, both parties are unwilling to cooperate with one another and the world just let a few leaders from the two sides bickering and accusing one another. Yeah, I don't think the American or Iranian people would support any military acts. 

The Iranian's economic performance isn't doing well. So, if there's any military confrontation, would it bring any good results? aha, right...I don't think so. 

The American's economic isn't doing much better as well. What with the debt they are facing, to enter into another battlefield like Iraq is such a stupid move to take. 

This is what's happening - we simply let the fate of our world, past present future - be determined by a few selected people from the government and the people, in return, would suffer in the end. Is that fair? yeah right...

Too much ego. Too much stubbornness.

Sources via:
Foreign Policy
Sidney Morning Herald
BBC News

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