Friday, January 27, 2012

Learn an old trick: Your vocabulary = You

Have you noticed when you said, I'm feeling happy today and you will feel much better after that? But do that with a smile - meaning to say, mean what you say. So, although you are feeling sad or down inside, your choice of words, which in this case, is happy, would help to lift your spirit. Come on, try now. 

The type of vocabulary that we use as we speak can really help. 
And thus, there is also a saying that says, if you want to be good in something, some subjects, expand your vocabulary that suits that particular something. 

Now, it doesn't matter if you don't understand it at first. 
But in time you will know. 

For example, if you are trading stocks, if you don't know what options mean, now that's not good, isn't it?

Whether it has got to do with your emotions, or mastering a subject, our choice of words and the effort to expand our collection of words that we know of are two very important thing, if of course, you want to be successful in your mind.

So, now I want you guys to do this:

A.  If you're feeling sad, say I'm feeling happy now!

B.  If you're feeling great, say I'm feeling great now!

C.  If you're nervous and scared, say I'm not scared. I can do this!

And it is important that you say all these things out loud. It will help a lot. Trust me on this. 
It's okay if it makes you sound hypocrite at first, but in time you will learn to channel what you're saying out loud to counter the negativity you're feeling inside. 

Then, after you are through with the first stage, secondly is to learn a new word every week that suits your field.

Eventually, we would have:

saying out loud + vocabulary = higher chance to succeed!

Try it, and if you may, share the results with me, okay?

Be well, ladies and gents!

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