Monday, May 28, 2012

The Advice from the Computer Man

Since everybody,figuratively,has an Ipad, Iphone and whatever gadget you have with you that can connect yourself to the internet, the surge in internet users is just mind boggling!

I was sitting in Starbucks today and couldn't help myself, seeing a lady who was seated in front of me using her laptop and did something with her online banking. (the bank shall remain anonymous)

While internet banking is useful and save lots of your time, however I strongly advise any of you out there to avoid from doing internet banking using public wifi.

Without you even noticing, there might be someone watching. And writing down every detail that you typed out.

Even for Facebook. Twitter.
Believe me, we the computer literate people know how to get into your "sensitive areas". You're lucky if the people who's watching are just there to watch and for fun, but what if they are not?

Think again. So, make sure the line you're using is secure and at best, for the very least, make sure there's the https visible in the address bar.

Just saying. Use internet, but safely.

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